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Nominal and real 10-year Treasury yields

Nominal and real 10-year Treasury yields.png

Civilian unemployment rate and year-over-year wage growth for private production and non-supervisory workers

Civilian unemployment rate and year-over-year wage growth for private production and non-supervisory workers.png

S&P composite index

S&P Composite Index.png

Length of economic expansions and recessions/Strength of economic expansions

Length of economic expansions and recessions:Strength of economic expansions.png

U.S. recession and S&P 500 composite declines from all-time highs

U.S. recession and S&P 500 composite declines from all-time highs.png

U.S. yield curve steepness

U.S. yield curve steepness.png

International valuations are at 20 plus year lows vs. U.S.

International valuations are at 20 plus year lows vs. U.S..png

No bear market since 2009? Guess again

No bear market since 2009 Guess again.png

The 4Q2018 pace of downgrades from A into BBB is the largest since the late-2015 wave of commodity-related fallen angels

BBB U.S. corporate debt as % of investment grade market

BBB U.S. Corporate Debt as % of Investment Grade Market.png

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