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Internet retailers and asset class bubbles

Internet retailers and asset class bubbles.png

Interest costs rising for U.S. government since 1940

Interest costs rising for U.S. government since 1940.png

Homeownership is rising since 1968

Homeownership is rising since 1968.png

Hawks become doves

Hawks become doves.png

Corporate debt levels inconsistent with high yield spreads since 1993

Corporate debt levels inconsistent with high yield spreads since 1993.png

U.S. outstanding debt by sector since 1945

U.S. outstanding debt by sector since 1945.png

Total return since 1993 (in USD terms)

Total return since 1993 (in USD terms).png

Small is in the eye of the index provider

Small is in the eye of the index provider.png

S&P growth and value relative price performance (vs S&P 500) past 25 years (since 1995)

S&P growth and value relative price performance (vs S&P 500) past 25 years (since 1995).png

Percentage of U.S. equity funds underperforming benchmarks (rolling three-year returns)

Percentage of U.S. equity funds underperforming benchmarks (rolling three-year returns).png

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